Donna Phillips, MSW RSW
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Make Your Own Maps of Each Other

  • Interview your partner, gathering the following information.
  • You are simply on a fact finding mission, so don’t pass judgment on what you’re partner tells you.
  • Your goal is to listen and learn about your mate.
  • Don't expect to finish all in one sitting - take your time on each area.


Areas to Cover


The cast of characters in my partner’s life:


Friends - who they are, what your partner values about each one


Potential friends - who they might like to know better, and why


Rivals, competitors, “enemies” - what makes them a rival of your partner


Recent important events in my partner’s life:


Upcoming events:

(What is my partner looking forward to? Dreading? Why?)


My partner’s current stresses:


My partner’s current worries:


My partner’s hopes and aspirations: (For self?  For others?)